3 Ways to Avoid Weight Gain this Festive Season

Avoiding unwanted weight gain can be difficult during the festive season
One week we can be happily munching on delicious desserts and the next week we can stand on the scale and we see we’ve picked up weight. There are so many yummy treats around to tempt us, and there’s so much food being offered to us this time of year.
But the festive season does not have to be a miserable time where we spend all day trying to avoid treats and dinner parties with friends – there are some ways to stay skinny while still enjoying the festive cheer.
1. Always think before having seconds & think about portion sizes.
Before going back for seconds after dinner think about how much you really want it and if you will enjoy the second serving as much as you enjoyed the first one. If it’s something that you really love and enjoy then have some more but don’t do it all the time. There’s no need to go crazy with one “serving” either, to avoid unwanted weight gain think about how much food you actually need and serve realistic portions. It may seem like a good idea to binge on treats and big plates of food at the dinner table but remember that food babies never feel good after a few hours later (or the next day). Enjoy everything in moderation!
2. Remain mindful of calories but not obsessive.
During the festive season there usually lots of high calorie foods around. To avoid weight gain, do a little bit of research (use google – it’s so easy) and get to know how many calories are in the kinds of food that you like to eat (or will be eating most often). Then roughly estimate how many calories you should be consuming each day and remain mindful of calorie intake to maintain a healthy body weight. There’s no need to be obsessive about it – just roughly estimate for most of your meals!
3. Avoid excessive drinking.
Alcohol contains a huge amount of calories and it dehydrates the body. Avoid shots & sugary cocktails as much as you can and sip on your drink of choice slowly. If you drink slowly then you will drink less…but you don’t always need a drink in your hand! Drink 1 glass of water for every serving of alcohol you drink + PLUS drink 8 glasses of water every day – this is the number 1 rule to staying healthy!
The most important way to avoid weight gain is to focus on eating a healthy and well balanced diet, but the process can be helped by doing a little bit of exercise. Take part in my 16 minute workout challenge – everyone has 16 minutes!
More than anything, enjoy the festive season and make the most of it – it only comes around once a year!
Liezl Jayne xo
Ps. I’ve also got a 3 day eating plan for weight-loss that you can download here on my blog – this is what I used to lose 40 Lbs!
Photos by Liezl Jayne for liezljayne.com