Healthy Christmas Cookies (grain-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free)

Vanilla-coconut Christmas cookies with yummy chocolate icing & lots of fun, healthy toppings to choose from. There is no need to miss out on the holiday fun just because of a healthy diet – these are the perfect Christmas cookies to complement your healthy lifestyle.
Ingredients (cookies):
-1/2 cup almond flour
-1/3 cup coconut flour
-3 free ranged eggs
-1/2 cup cold-pressed coconut oil
-1/4 cup maple syrup
-1/3 cup desiccated coconut
-1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
-1 teaspoon raw ground vanilla
-pinch sea salt
Ingredients (chocolate icing):
-1/4 cup cold-pressed coconut oil
-4 tablespoons cacao powder (raw cocoa)
-3 tablespoons 100% pure maple syrup
-1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
-1/4 teaspoon raw ground vanilla
-pinch sea salt
Instructions (cookies):
-preheat oven to 180 degree’s Celsius/ 360 degree’s Fahrenheit
-melt the coconut oil so that it is soft but not in liquid form
-mix the soft coconut oil in a bowl with the almond flour, coconut flour, maple syrup, eggs, desiccated coconut, cinnamon, vanilla and sea salt until well blended and doughy
-place the cookie dough on a sheet of wax paper over a flat surface
-roll dough with a rolling pin so that it is 1cm thick (must be 1cm thick for best taste and texture)
-cut out shapes in the dough and place the cut out cookies on a baking tray that has been greased with coconut oil
-place cookies in oven and bake for 10-15 minutes (careful not to overcook – this will cause dryness)
-once cooked, remove cookies from oven and leave to cool
-start making the icing and preparing the toppings
Instructions (icing):
-melt the coconut oil until it is soft but not liquid
-mix the coconut oil in a bowl with the cacao powder, maple syrup, cinnamon, vanilla and sea salt
-ice the cookies when they are cool by using a blunt butter knife to spread the chocolate icing over half of the top of each cookie (or the whole top of each cookie)
-sprinkle toppings onto the chocolate icing so that it sticks
-suggested topping: raw pistachio nuts, raw pecans, dried cranberries (sulfate-free, sweetened with pure pineapple juice), desiccated coconut or coconut flakes, raw hazelnuts, raw macadamia nuts, goji berries
-eat and enjoy with a glass of full cream coconut milk (pure, unsweetened and sulfate-free)