Detox Smoothie

I designed this green smoothie specifically to cleanse the body.
This smoothie is packed with healthy, low-calorie ingredients that are high in nutrients and vitamins. This smoothie also contains healthy essential fats that help the body to process natural sugars found in carbohydrates (aiding weight loss). This nutrient-dense/ low-calorie combination is ideal for weight loss and cleansing because it helps to keep one fuller for longer while consuming less calories.
Melon, papaya, cucumber, spinach, romaine and avocado are all nutrient dense foods that are great for detoxing the body… here’s why:
Melon is super sweet but also very low in calories. It is high in vitamins (especially A & C), beta-carotene and potassium. Melon can help to reduce stress on the body because potassium normalizes the heart beat and promotes the supply of oxygen to the brain.
Papaya contains enzymes that help to lower blood cholesterol levels. It also contains enzymes that help to aid digestion (it is a great remedy for all kinds of digestive problems). Papaya is high in vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid and is very low in calories compared to many other fruits.
Cucumber helps to replenish, rehydrate and revive the body. Cucumber contains most of the vitamins that the body needs everyday and is great for removing toxins from the body (due to the high-fiber/ high-water content).
Spinach is high in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and it helps to regulate inflammation in the body. Spinach is also good for strong bones (it’s high in calcium), improving vision, lowering blood pressure and building the immune system.
Romaine/ cos lettuce helps to improve digestion, which is essential for long term (and quick) weight loss. It is extremely high in vitamins and fiber and contains almost zero calories. It is also high in plant-based protein (20% of it is protein), is good for alkalizing the body and maintaining a healthy heart.
Avocado’s are high in fat, but should not be excluded from a detox diet for that reason. When you are detoxing, it is important not to starve the body of essential nutrients (even fats). The healthy fats found in avocado’s help the body to process natural sugars found in all carbohydrates (aiding weight loss). It is essential to keep consuming healthy fats during a detox period it because it promotes the release of bile from the gallbladder. This helps to eliminate toxins from the body and helps the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Avocado’s are also extremely high in fiber and are therefore great for improving digestion.
I designed my other green smoothie, known as “The Classic Green Smoothie” to revive, rejuvenate and replenish the body. This is a sweet, simple and nutrient packed green smoothie that is great for any green smoothie beginner.
-1 cup chopped cantaloupe melon
-1 cup chopped papaya
-1 cup chopped cucumber (peeled)
-1 big handful baby spinach
-1 cup shredded romaine lettuce
-1/4 large avocado
-1/4 cup filtered water or pure coconut water (not from concentrate)
-ice to taste
(serves 1)
-some baby bok choy leaves
(Note that adding the bok choy will change the taste of the smoothie slightly, making it less sweet. Bok choy is great for cleansing the body but I would not recommend it for green smoothie “beginners”. If you drink a lot of green smoothies, then you probably won’t notice the difference in taste.)
-rinse all fresh ingredients
-remove the peel and seeds from the melon, papaya and avocado and chop
-peel the cucumber and roughly slice
-add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth
-add ice to taste & blend again
-serve chilled & enjoy!
Serving suggestions:
Add some ground chia seeds to your smoothie for protein (1 or 2 teaspoons) or enjoy your smoothie with a few raw almonds (about 10 to 20)