12 Easy Healthy Snacks That Every Girl Should Know

Girl You Gotta Try These
The 12 easiest healthy snacks that you need to know about
In this post, I’m going to be sharing the 12 easiest healthy snacks that (seriously) every girl should know about! These snack ideas (or recipes) are not fancy, they are just simple healthy snacks that can be your go-to snacks – for busy moments, busy days or just everyday kind of snacks.
These snacks are all 100% gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free (or can be), and contain good carbs, good protein and healthy fats. They’re also conveniently low in calories!
This post is actually an extract from my book (page 196) – but these healthy snacks really are snack ideas that every girl should know, and so I really wanted to share this on the blog today.
I hope that you love these easy snacks as much as I do!
Liezl Jayne xo
The 12 Easiest Healthy Snacks
1. Avocado toast
A slice of 100% wholegrain or gluten-free toast with avocado, sea salt & cracked black pepper. 1 slice toast with 1/3 avocado gives you 200 calories.
2. Easy berry smoothie
A small smoothie with 1/2 cup berries, 1/2 banana, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/3 avocado (or 2/3 cup full cream yogurt) and 1/2 cup water (or as needed). This recipe will give you 200 calories.
3. Fruit slices with nut butter
Apple or banana slices with a spoonful of unsweetened nut butter (almond, peanut, cashew or macadamia), and maybe even a sprinkle of cinnamon. 1 banana with 1 Tablespoon nut butter is 200 calories, while 1 apple with Tablespoon nut butter is 170 calories.
4. Hummus or tahini on toast
A slice of 100% wholegrain or gluten-free toast with hummus or tahini, black olives or cherry tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, sea
salt & cracked black pepper. 1 slice toast with 1/4 cup hummus makes 200 calories – 2 halved olives with a few cherry tomatoes will add roughly another 20 calories to that.
5. Yogurt with fruit and nuts
Plain yogurt (or coconut yogurt as a dairy alternative) with fresh fruit (berries or banana slices are always good go-to options) and raw nuts (and maybe even a sprinkle of cinnamon). Try 2/3 cup full cream yogurt with 1/2 cup berries and about 6 raw almonds for 200 calories.
6. Air popped popcorn
1/8 cup of popcorn kernels makes about 3 big cups of popcorn – for only 100 calories! (air popped only)
7. Peanut butter toast + cinnamon
A slice of 100% wholegrain or gluten-free toast with 1 Tablespoon nut butter (I love almond, macadamia or peanut butter) and cinnamon (optional). 200 calories total!
8. Hummus with veggies
Veggie slices (you can use carrots, red bell pepper, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, celery, broccoli florets or cauliflower florets – all raw of course) with hummus for dipping. Try 1/4 cup hummus with 1 sliced carrot, 1/2 cup bell pepper slices and a few cherry tomatoes for roughly 200 cal.
9. Baked or boiled eggs
Simply bake or boil 2 eggs, and save them in the fridge for later (or for the next day) – roughly 200 cal.
10. Nuts with nut butter
Raw almonds dipped into macadamia nut butter (this is my personal favorite) – trust me, it’s amazing! I usually do 14 raw almonds with 1 Tablespoon for dipping – that’s 200 calories.
11. Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit (sliced, chopped or whole) – fresh fruit is always refreshing and delicious! 1 banana is 100 cal, 1 apple is 70 cal, 1 cup diced mango is 100 cal, and 1/2 cup blueberries gives you 40 cal.
12. Raw nuts and seeds
Raw nuts and seeds (or a mix of both) – you can also throw in some dried cranberries or goji berries into the mix, to make it even more amazing! Try 10 raw cashew nuts mixed with 1 Tablespoon of raw pumpkin seeds and 2 Tablespoons dried cranberries – this comes to 200 calories!
Photos by Ross Charnock for liezljayne.com – Styled by Liezl Jayne