4 Steps To Losing Weight + Getting Your Best Body

In this post, I’m going to show you 4 practical steps (the first 4 starting steps that you need to take) that can help you to achieve your body goals once-and-for-all! This is actually a short extract from my book (page 50), but I really wanted to share these practical steps here on the blog for you today.
No matter how many diets we’ve tried in the past, no matter how many times we have tried to lose weight in the past and no matter how many times we have failed – it’s important to remember that the past does not define you and none of those past experiences matter (they’ve only made you stronger). This moment is a fresh new opportunity that we can choose to take. The past does not equal the future!
It is the small health, diet and daily lifestyle changes that will help you to achieve your body goals – and it is the small habits (like making an effort to eat a healthy breakfast each day and making an effort to squeeze a workout into your day) that will help you to see results.
Every morning when we wake up, before we even open our eyes and get out of bed – we have a choice to make.
Just like how we all have to make the choice every day to be happy despite hard circumstances, we all have to make the choice to follow through with a healthier lifestyle and make our goals and dreams our reality – and it starts before breakfast.
When I wake up in the morning I have many choices. I can get out of bed and choose to be happy, drink a big glass of water to re-hydrate my body, do some exercise to keep my body healthy and eat a nourishing breakfast – OR I can wake up feeling sorry for myself (there are MANY reasons that I could feel sorry for myself at any given moment), drink soda, not move all day and eat unhealthy fast food.
This first option sometimes takes discipline (sometimes I don’t want to do it), but I know that it will get me the results that I want (to be happier, healthier, fitter and stronger) if I do them consistently every day. If I choose the second option every day, then I will likely feel unhappy, potentially depressed, unhealthy and overweight – and I will also not be getting any closer to my body, weight-loss or health goals.
BUT every day (every single day) the choice is mine – and yours!
It’s the small simple changes that we make daily that increase our success dramatically. Doing something repeatedly every day is what makes us skilled!
It is the small health, diet and daily lifestyle changes that will help you to achieve your body goals – and it is the small habits (like making an effort to eat a healthy breakfast each day and making an effort to squeeze a workout into your day) that will help you to see results!
No matter how many diets we’ve tried in the past, no matter how many times we have tried to lose weight in the past and no matter how many times we have failed – it’s important to remember that the past does not define you and none of those past experiences matter (they’ve only made you stronger).
This moment is a fresh new opportunity that we can choose to take. The past does not equal the future!
How can you set yourself up for success?
Our personal definitions of success are determined by what we believe being successful is all about. If I believe that I will only be successful when I have $1 billion in the bank, have 10 000 pairs of designer shoes in my walk-in closet, have mansions all over the world, own a private jet and look like Candice Swanepoel or Jennifer Lopez – then chances are that I will never feel successful because I’ve set the bar a bit high.
But if my definition of success is determined by my everyday attitude (being grateful for everything that I have), how I work towards my goals (with discipline, dedication and consistency) and how I treat the people around me (with love) then chances are that I have much higher chance of feeling like a successful person.
Setting yourself up for success might be about creating attainable and realistic goals, practicing discipline to achieve your goals and remaining grateful for everything that you have along the journey to achieving your goals.
What is your definition of success? What does being successful mean to you?
Small ways in which you can set yourself up for daily success with regards to achieving your health, fitness and body goals is to get organized and plan times to complete your workouts, create time to prepare healthy meals and set aside enough time to get the sleep that your body deserves!
1. Define your goals
What is the result that you want to achieve – What is your end goal? What are your health, fitness, weight-loss and body goals?
When you know your outcome and focus on your target, you are empowering your brain to come up with answers on how to achieve it. The more clear you become on what you want, the more you empower yourself to succeed! Write your answers down on a piece of paper and keep them in a safe place for future reference.
2. Focus on your goals
To be successful in achieving our goals, we need to focus on things that empower us and on things that empower our minds.
Define your goals, focus on your goals and start working towards your goals – making losing weight, getting into better shape, being fitter and making an effort to be healthier a priority!
3. Take action immediately
The thing that brings positive change is not learning more, positive change is brought about by taking action.
Turn “someday” into today and start working towards your goals now. Push yourself to the next level and decide to not let yourself settle for anything less than what you can be! Remember that there will never be a “perfect” time to start anything, and that’s why the best time to start is always now (today)! Take action immediately – start working out, start following a healthier diet and be consistent with these actions.
Start following a healthier diet, eat a healthy breakfast each morning, be mindful of calories and do some exercise each week!
4. Notice what results you’re getting from your actions
Pay attention to any results that you are achieving. If you are not seeing results then you need to be flexible to change your approach so that you can achieve the results that you want. Keep trying new things and keep changing your approach until you succeed.
Always remenmber that “where there is a will, there is a way” (as my mom always reminds me) – whatever you want to achieve is possible, but sometimes we may fail at our first attempt (this is just life). But never give up – success might be around the next corner!
To give you an example of what a balanced weight-loss diet can look like, I’m currently giving my 3 day eating plan away for FREE!
I won’t always be, so make sure you grab a copy!
What do you choose today – Do you want to be happier, healthier, fitter and stronger? Do you want to lose weight, tone up and achieve your health, fitness and body goals?
If you do want all of these things then you have to follow the steps that will get you there – every single day! Each new day is filled with choices and amazing opportunities, so grab hold of each moment and every great opportunity that comes your way.
Change your life today for the better and make every day count towards an incredible future! This is just the beginning of an amazing journey!
Remember that it’s the small simple changes that we make daily that increase our success dramatically. Doing something repeatedly every day is what makes us skilled!
It is the small health, diet and daily lifestyle changes that will help you to achieve your body goals – and it is the small habits (like making an effort to eat a healthy breakfast each day and making an effort to squeeze a workout into your day) that will help you to see results!
Liezl Jayne XO
Photos by Ross Charnock and Liezl Jayne Strydom – for liezljayne.com
Thank you liezl for the advices. I really need em bc i’ve been trying to lose wight since years ago and alway failed,all diets i’ve tried just doesn’t seem to work. I hope this time it works 🙂
It can be hard, but you can do it!!! 🙂 Have you download my Free 3 day eating plan? You can get it here: https://guides.liezljayne.com/3-day-eating-plan/
Yes i have,and i’m starting it next week after i’m done with my exams this week 🙂
Thank you for all your advices!! From a French reader 🙂
Oh my gosh, I just checked out your blog and Instagram. I’m obsessed! Just wish I could understand your blog (I can’t read French), but it looks beautiful. Followed you on Instagram! XO
I’m so happy you like my blog and Instagram! I put a translator widget in the sidebar of my blog (at the very bottom), the translation isn’t perfect (sometimes it doesn’t make sense lol) but it can definitely help you understand my posts 🙂 Thank you for the follow back on Insta! I wish you a lovely day. xo
I will try using the translator widget 🙂