Over-easy Honey Fried Egg with Pecan Nuts

Sweet. Caramelized. Golden. A little crispy. Heavenly.
An egg fried over-easy with coconut oil, raw honey and sea salt – until golden, slightly crisped and caramelized on the outside with a runny yolk on the inside. Sprinkled with chopped pecan nuts.
This is so delicious, simple but delish – You have to give it a try!
I hope that you love it as much as I do! xo
-1 egg
-1 teaspoon raw honey
-1/2 teaspoon coconut oil
-tiny pinch sea salt
-a few chopped raw pecan nuts
-Add half the coconut oil and honey to heated pan (medium to low heat)
-add egg to pan
-sprinkle sea salt on egg
-when the bottom of the egg is sufficiently cooked, flip the egg
-add the rest of the coconut oil, honey to the egg
-cook the second side (second side will take less time, best if yolk is still runny)
-serve hot and sprinkle with chopped raw pecan nuts
-eat and enjoy!
Made with love by Liezl Jayne xo
Photo by Liezl Jayne for liezljayne.com