Super Berry Oats (gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free)

Super Berry Oatmeal is one of my absolute favorite breakfasts – for many reasons! It’s oatmeal made with berries (probably my favorite kind of fruit) and lots of SUPERFOODS! Yummy! Totally nourishing and absolutely delicious!
What is a superfood? A superfood is a food that is considered to be beneficial for ones health because it is very rich in nutrients.
This recipe is well balanced with healthy fats, good protein (see suggested toppings) and healthy carbs! It’s also naturally gluten-free, refined sugar-free and dairy-free BUT is still creamy and sweet.
This recipe works with steel cut oats or rolled oats (see instructions for each below). I like to use steel cut oats because they are AMAZING, but I love rolled oats too.
-1/2 cup blueberries
-1/4 cup raspberries
-1/4 cup blackberries
-1 teaspoon cold-pressed coconut oil
-1 teaspoon Maca powder
-1 teaspoon lacuma powder
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-1 teaspoon ground vanilla powder/ extract
-2 teaspoons 100% pure maple syrup
-1/4 cup dry steel cut oats + 3/4 to 1 cup water
-1/2 cup dry rolled oats + 1 cup water
(serves 1)
-once oats are almost fully cooked with about 5 minutes left to go (see instructions below) add the berries and the coconut oil to the pot
-when the oats are fully cooked stir the pure maple syrup, cinnamon, vanilla, Maca powder and the Lacuma powder into the oatmeal
-serve in a bowl and drizzle with nut butter or sprinkle with chopped walnuts (optional) OR just serve in a bowl
-eat & enjoy!
Steel cut oats instructions:
-bring water to a boil in a pot with the steel cut oats, then turn the temperature down to a low setting and simmer oats for 20 to 30 minutes
Rolled oats instructions:
-bring water to a boil in a pot with the rolled oats, then turn the temperature down to a low setting and simmer oats for about 10 minutes
Suggested toppings:
-1 or 2 teaspoons macadamia, almond or cashew nut butter
-a few chopped walnut halves
Made with love by Liezl Jayne xo
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