What I Eat In A Day To Lose Weight – Busy Day (Day 4)

Here’s how I eat to lose weight – I’ve lost 40 Pounds
I often get asked what I eat in a day (and how I lost 40 Lbs). Here in this video, I’m showing you exactly what I ate in a day to lose weight – and what kinds of foods I eat when I’m trying to get into better shape. This is “What I eat in a day to lose weight – On a Busy Day (Day 4)”.
Today I’m showing you what I eat in a day to lose weight on a busy day – so the meals and recipes are really easy to make!
I’ve also typed up the full recipes for you below – these recipes just serve me (they just serve 1).
When I’m trying to lose weight, I’ll usually eat 3 meals per day – and sometimes I’ll have a snack (depending on how active I’ve been, how hungry I am that day and how I feel that day), but I will generally just have 3 meals.
I usually eat 1100-1300 calories a day to lose weight, and sometimes I’ll eat up to 1400 calories – if I really need it or have been more active than usual. I have a petite frame, but women with a taller frame (or women who are very active every day) may need to eat more to lose weight in a healthy way. I talk more about how to work out your personal calorie needs in my book.
You can also download my 3 day eating plan for weight-loss, if you want another example of what to eat in a day to lose weight. I’m currently giving it away for Free, so you can download it and check it out if you want to.
And you can also check out “What I eat in a day to lose weight – Day 1” and “What I eat in a day to lose weight – Day 2” and “What I eat in a day to lose weight – Day 3” for more weight-loss meal inspiration.
I hope that you find this helpful!
Liezl Jayne xo
Here is the FREE 3 day eating plan for weight-loss that you can download here on my blog – this is what I used to lose 40 Lbs!
Breakfast: Ingredients
-1/2 cup rolled oats (dry)
-1/2 cup water
-2 teaspoons chia seeds
-1/2 cup chopped strawberry pieces
-14 raw almonds
-pinch cinnamon
-pinch ground vanilla (optional)
-1 teaspoon 100% pure maple syrup (or as needed, don’t go crazy with sweetener)
-1 flat teaspoon unsweetened almond butter (or cashew butter, or peanut butter)
Breakfast: Method
-mix the oats, chia seeds, water, strawberry pieces and raw almonds together in a jar (or a bowl)
-optionally add the cinnamon, vanilla and 100% pure maple syrup and mix again
-cover the jar and store in the fridge overnight
-optional: serve the oats in a bowl in the morning and add 1 teaspoon unsweetened almond butter
-or just eat straight out the jar with a spoon
-eat and enjoy!
Breakfast: Calories
Roughly 350-400 cal
Lunch: Ingredients
-1/3 medium avocado
-1 slice wholegrain rye bread (or 1 to 2 slices gluten-free bread)
-1 medium pink lady apple (sliced)
-1 medium carrot (peeled and sliced)
-sea salt
-black pepper
Lunch: Method
-toast the rye or gluten-free bread
-slice the avocado and add to toast
-add a sprinkle of sea salt and black pepper to toast
-slice apple and carrot and add to plate
-eat and enjoy!
Lunch: Calories
Roughly 320 – 400 cal (depending on bread used)
Try my easy gluten-free bread recipe (here) on the blog – it’s roughly 90 calories per slice!
Snack: Tea and PB cookie
-1 cup rooibos tea (black and unsweetened for zero cal)
-1 healthy peanut butter cookie
Snack: Calories
PB cookie – Roughly 100 cal
I’ve also got the full recipe for my 3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies (here) on the blog – with a full calorie breakdown for you.
Dinner: Ingredients
-vegetables to stir-fry (I’ve used long stemmed broccoli, zucchinis and red bell pepper)
-1/2 cup cooked organic brown rice
-1 free-ranged egg
-1 flat teaspoon macadamia nut oil (or another good cooking oil)
-fresh lemon juice
-sea salt and black pepper
Dinner: Method
-slice the vegetables lengthways and cook in a frying pan over a medium-high heat with 1 teaspoon oil
-season with sea salt, black pepper and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice
-once the veggies are cooked, add the cooked brown rice to the pan to heat up
-serve stir fry on a plate
-crack the egg into your pan with a sprinkle of sea salt and pepper
-fry over a medium-high heat (I like to keep the yolk soft for this recipe)
-serve fried egg on top of stir-fry
-eat and enjoy!
Dinner: Calories
Roughly 300 cal
You can easily fry up 2 eggs instead of just one – I often do this. Adding a second egg to yout dinner will add another 80 calories!
Take note: Please note that you should be in a healthy state before you decide to follow a new way of eating, or a calorie restricted diet. It’s always advised that you talk to your GP, doctor or health care professional to see if a new way of eating is suitable for your personal health needs.
Photos and video by Liezl Jayne Strydom – for liezljayne.com
Hi there I just recentely discovered your videos and I love them!! They are really inspiring. I am currently 185lbs at 5″2 I had a baby and never lost the weight but gained instead. I would love for to see more of your videos!! I am looking for your spaghetti recipe and I can’t find it ? But thank you so much for making your videos. They are really helpful and inspiring!!
Hi Angelica! Thank you for your message! I will keep making videos, just make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the “notification bell” as well – to make sure you get notified when I upload! 🙂
I have some pasta + spaghetti recipes coming in the next few months. As it just so happens spaghetti is my FAVE meal ever! I have the most bomb spaghetti bolognese recipe. For now though you can check out one of my simple spaghetti recipes in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE10sMu2f20&t=35s
Thanks for the videos and recipes! That seems so little to eat in a day 🙂 how tall are you, how much do you weight and what’s your goal weight? Thanks.
Hi Polin! This day I ate 1100 cal – which is a lower calorie day for me (an inactive and not very hungry day). On my other “What I eat in a day” videos, you’ll notice I often eat up to 1400 cal. This is for losing weight.
The calories that you eat in a day will depend on your current weight, height, natural build and how active you are in a day.
I’m 5’2 and I weight about 52 kg 🙂
Hi Liezl,
I just wanted to tell you that your what I eat in a day videos have inspired me to eat healthier and lose weight. Thank you and keep up the good work. I look forward to more videos in the future. Merry Christmas!
Hi Dana! Thank you for your lovely message 🙂 I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas! XO